Bonus: Figma course

Learn UX/UI Design

Launch a 

  • Expert instructors from Apple, Meta, Google, and Airbnb
  • A real-world Internship and 1:1 career coaching
  • UX/UI Portfolio Mentorship with original case studies
Average salary in the US
*Please read all terms and conditions here.

Save 40% - Limited time offer

Enroll by

January 28th

to reserve your seat in this round

Program duration

28 weeks

Including classes, internship and Сareer Сoaching


For everyone

Open to anyone highly motivated to work in tech

What is the job of a UX/UI designer?

UX/UI Designers create enjoyable experiences for users interacting with digital tools (like websites or apps). They conduct user research and find elegant solutions, considering user goals and business objectives

Why choose
UX/UI design?

Tech without coding
High salaries
Remote work options
High job availability
Exciting work tasks
Work-life balance
Career growth opportunities
Great for beginners


Interactive training

Creative career

UX/UI design is a creative field that offers an opportunity to express ideas and imagine new and improved digital interactions

Interactive training

Real-world impact

UX/UI designers shape how people interact with digital products and services, positively impacting their lives

Interactive training

Cross-disciplinary work

Use elements of psychology, design, art, business, and technology in this exciting and diverse career

Interactive training

Continuous learning

Working in this ever-evolving field means you will continuously learn, grow, and engage with new tech innovations

in-demand CAREER


Job openings for UX Designers in the US.


Earn $62K yearly to start and up to $150K for senior roles


UX Designer is the 13th most in-demand profession


Digital applications developed every year for the past 5 years


Immersive training

Say hello

Meet your classmates and instructors. Start your journey toward a successful career in UX/UI design


Attend classes

Join live or watch recordings of classes from UX/UI industry experts. Ask questions, do your homework, get feedback, and work on the first case study for your UX/UI portfolio


Start your internship

Gain work experience to highlight on your resume and in job interviews. Work with one of our partner companies and complete the second case study for your UX/UI portfolio

Landing a job

Job interview prep

Practice mock interviews 1:1 with your Career Coach. Increase your confidence and prepare for all types of UX/UI-related interview questions


Job search

Explore openings and track all of your applications in one place to accelerate and simplify your job search


You’re hired!

Our graduates earn an average starting salary of $70K–$100K per year within months of finishing their training

1:1 career coaching

Land your dream job with Careerist. Your coach will provide the support and motivation you need to shine in your job search

One Year of Unlimited* 1:1 Career Coaching

Your personal job success companion

Resume and LinkedIn Optimization

Elevate your first impression

Job Interview Preparation

 Ace your next interview

Job Search Guidance

Get support even after securing a job

Personalized Job Matching

Find jobs fast with tailored matches

Job Search Tracking

Track applications for a quicker search

*Review terms and conditions here.

16 weeks
of learning

Module 1 M1. Foundations of UX and Research Methods

Foundations of UX and Research Methods

2 weeks

Delve into the heart of UX design. Learn about the current state of UX, how to identify and define problem statements and analyze competitors. Get acquainted with various research methods and conduct your first user interview.

  • Introduction to the course and instructors
  • Overview of the design thinking methodology
  • Practicing design thinking with a FigJam exercise

Introduction, CourseOverview, DesignThinking, FigJam

State of UX and Problem Statements
  • Introduction to the product development life cycle and product design
  • Understanding product thinking
  • Choosing a problem to solve and defining a problem statement

ProductDesign, ProductThinking, CaseStudy, ProblemStatement

Structuring Feedback & Competitive Analysis
  • Learn what is competitive analysis
  • How to identify competitors and choose criteria for analysis

CompetitiveAnalysis, Feedback, Communication, UXReseach, ResearchMethods

Research Methods & Interview with User
  • Deep dive into research techniques - qualitative and quantitative, attitudinal and behavioral
  • Learning to conduct user interviews — how to find users and construct questions

ResearchMethods, ABtesting, UsabilityTesting, CardSorting, Surveys, UserInterviews

Module 2 M2. Basics of UI Design

Basics of UI Design

1.5 weeks

Introduction to the elements of UI design. From typography to color, iconography to grid systems, you'll learn the basics of visual communication and how to make apps and websites not just usable, but beautiful.

Introduction to UI & Basics of Figma
  • Introduction to UI design and the main composition rules
  • Developing watchfulness and finding inspiration
  • Practice in Figma to learn the interface

UIDesign, CompositionRules, Inspiration, Figma

UI | Typography & Colors
  • Understanding the basics of colors and fonts
  • Constructing hierarchical texts
  • Practice in Figma to work with color and text

Colors, Fonts, TextHierarchy, Figma

UI | Iconography & Grid
  • Introduction to iconography and the grid
  • Practice in Figma to create icons

Iconography, Grid, Figma

Module 3 M3. From Research to Design Planning

From Research to Design Planning

2.5 weeks

This module bridges the gap between research and design planning. Learn how to synthesize research findings and formulate hypotheses. Explore UX exercises such as creating personas, user scenarios, identifying jobs-to-be-done and building user flow.

Synthesizing research & Hypotheses
  • Overview of synthesizing UX research and best practices Practicing creating Affinity Mapping
  • Synthesizing UX research data into Think/Feel/Say/Do (Empathy mapping)
  • Planning next steps with educated hypothesis statements

UXResearch, DataSynthesis, HypothesisStatements, EmpathyMapping, AffinityMapping

Product brief & UX Exercises
  • Understanding the importance of a product brief
  • Exploring UX exercises (JTBD, Personas, User Flows)
  • Discussing how these exercises can inform the design process
  • Practicing writing a product brief

ProductBrief, UXExercises, JTBD, Personas, Practice

UX Exercises: Personas, User scenarios, JTBD
  • Deep dive into UX exercises—including personas, user scenarios, and JTBD
  • Applying these models in practice
  • Discussing the role of UX exercises in the design process

UXExercises, Personas, UserScenarios, JTBD, UserPersonas

Feature Prioritization
  • Learning popular strategies and prioritization frameworks
  • Applying these methods to shape the product idea and form the feature list
  • Discussing the importance of feature prioritization in product development
  • Practicing using prioritization frameworks

Strategies, PrioritizationFrameworks, ProductIdea, FeatureList, DotVoting, RICEMethodology, ProductDevelopment

User Flows
  • Introduction to user flows and their importance in UX design
  • Step-by-step guide on how to create a user flow
  • Understanding how user flows contribute to better understanding of users
  • Discussing how user flows can improve your design skills
  • Practice in creating user flows

UserFlows, UXDesign,DesignSkill, FigJam

Module 4 M4. Prototyping and Testing

Prototyping and Testing

2.5 weeks

Learn to bring your design ideas to life through prototyping. Learn how to go from sketches to low-fidelity prototypes and then create mid-fidelity prototypes using Figma.You'll also learn how to conduct user testing to validate your design decisions.

Low-Fidelity Prototypes & Sketching
  • Understanding different types of prototyping and their purpose
  • Defining and explaining low-fidelity prototypes
  • Practicing designing low-fidelity prototypes using Figma

Prototyping, LowFidelityPrototypes, Figma, Sketching, Design

User Testing
  • Learning what prototype testing is and how it works
  • Understanding the benefits of testing a prototype
  • Knowing when and how to conduct prototype testing

UserTesting, PrototypeTesting, PaperPrototyping, ConductingTests, Design

Figma: Deeper View
  • Gaining deeper experience with Figma
  • Learning about hot keys to make prototyping and sketching more efficient
  • Participating in a Figma workshop

Figma, DeepView, HotKeys, Prototyping, Sketching

Figma: Auto Layout, UI Kits, Mid-Fidelity Prototyping
  • Learning what auto layout is and how it can help organize elements
  • Understanding the anatomy of a UI Kit and its use in Figma
  • Learning what a mid-fidelity prototype is and when to use one
  • Practicing creating mid-fidelity prototypes

Figma, AutoLayout, UIKits, MidFidelityPrototyping, Practice

Figma Mid-Fidelity Prototyping Workshop
  • Practicing designing mid-fidelity wireframes in Figma
  • Learning how to use Figma's tools and features effectively
  • Using existing UI kits and components in Figma

Figma, MidFidelityPrototyping, Workshop, UIKits, Components

Module 5 M5. Advanced UI Design and Hi-Fidelity Prototyping

Advanced UI Design and Hi-Fidelity Prototyping

3.5 weeks

This module takes your UI design skills to the next level. Learn about drawing inspiration from existing designs, creating components in Figma, and designing with atomic design principles in mind. Learn how to move from mid-fidelity to high-fidelity wireframes.

UI: Inspiration vs. Duplication, Figma, and Sets of Components
  • Exploring the capabilities of Figma for creating high-fidelity wireframes
  • Learning how to build your own set of reusable components within Figma
  • Streamlining the design process and ensuring consistency across your designs

UI, Figma, Components, HighFidelityWireframes, DesignProcess

UI: Design system and Components & Atomic design
  • Learning how to build and adjust a set of components to fit specific design needs
  • Understanding how to use a design system to maintain consistency across multiple projects
  • Adapting a design system as your design evolves over time

UI, DesignSystem, Components, AtomicDesign, Adaptability

Hi-fidelity wireframes
  • Learning how to build high-fidelity wireframes and effectively present designs
  • Incorporating typography, color, and other visual elements into the wireframe
  • Finding mockups and other design resources to help bring wireframes to life

HighFidelityWireframes, DesignPresentation, Typography, Color, DesignResources

Practice in Figma
  • Practicing designing high-fidelity wireframes in Figma
  • Mastering Figma's tools and features, including the use of UI kits and components
  • Practicing design skills and receiving feedback from instructors and peers

Figma, HighFidelityWireframes, DesignPractice, Feedback, UIKits

Practice in Figma, Continued
  • Practicing designing high-fidelity wireframes in Figma
  • Mastering Figma's tools and features, including the use of UI kits and components
  • Practicing design skills and receiving feedback from instructors and peers

Figma, HighFidelityWireframes, DesignPractice, Feedback, UIKits

Module 6 M6. Finalizing Designs and Prototypes

Finalizing Designs and Prototypes

1.5 weeks

Focus on finalizing your designs and prototypes. Make your prototypes interactive, learn about responsive design, and get acquainted with the system guidelines of iOS, Android, and Material Design.

Key Visual Elements in Figma: Clickable Prototypes
  • Focusing on key visual elements that improve the overall look and feel of a user interface (UI)
  • Incorporating key visual elements into UI designs
  • Creating engaging and interactive prototypes in Figma

Figma, VisualElements, UI, InteractivePrototypes, Design

Responsive Design
  • Approaching the adaptation process and considerations for larger screens
  • Adapting a mobile design into a desktop and tablet design effectively

ResponsiveDesign, MobileDesign, DesktopDesign, Adaptation, UI

iOS, Android System Guidelines, Material Design
  • Adapting designs to each platform considering differences in screen size, navigation patterns, and other key factors
  • Creating designs optimized for each platform with platform-specific UI elements and functionalities

iOS, Android, SystemGuidelines, MaterialDesign, UI

Module 7 M7. Case Study

Case Study

2 weeks

Learn how to present your portfolio effectively, design for behavior and emotions, and deliver your final presentation. It's all about showcasing your skills, the processes you've learned, and the designs you've created.

Making a Case Study
  • Understanding the structure of a UX case study and the key components to make a compelling case study
  • Exploring the steps in creating a successful case study
  • Presenting a case study in a clear and concise manner

CaseStudy, UX, Presentation, Storytelling, DesignProcess

Making a Portfolio Presentation & Presentation Skills
  • Learning the best practices for presenting case studies
  • Structuring and formatting presentations effectively
  • Communicating the design process and insights and using storytelling techniques

Portfolio, PresentationSkills, Storytelling, Communication, DesignProcess

Design for Behavior and Emotions
  • Exploring how design elements influence user behavior
  • Understanding the relationship between design elements and user behavior and emotions
  • Creating designs that effectively communicate their intended message and create an engaging user experience

Design, UserBehavior, UserEmotions, Communication, UserExperience

Final Presentation
  • Presenting case studies and receiving feedback from instructors
  • Gaining practical insights and confidence to continue UX careers

FinalPresentation, Feedback, SelfAssessment, Insights, UXCareers

For people who are

New to UX/UI

New to UX/UI

Learn how to develop solutions that improve user experience


Start a career in tech without coding
From Tech

From Tech

Additional education for professionals in marketing, RM, development, or customer service

Invest in your
future career

Your future salary
UI/UX Design
Next cohort starts: Nov 27th Only a few seats left
Learning: 22 weeks
Practice new skills on the live-lessons (+rec) with hands-on assignments, homework and quizzes.
Real-world Internship: 5+weeks
Work with an active business under the guidance of a Lead UX/UI Designer, get support and feedback.
1:1 Career Coaching : 7+ weeks
Design portfolio, improve resume and LinkedIn profile, train presentation skills with your personal Career Coach.
Job Search Support
Apply for UX/UI jobs using JAT, save time, connect with career coach pre-offer and +1 month after.

Upfront discount

Pay upfront and save $2800 on tuition.

Total tuition before discount
Paid at the time of enrollment
Total cost

Pay in 2 payments

Pay in 2 payments and save $2450 on tuition

Total tuition before discount
Paid at the time of enrollment
Next payment within 2 weeks
Total cost

Pay in 4 payments

Pay in 4 payments and save $2000 on tuition

Total tuition before discount
Paid at the time of enrollment
Monthly payments during course
Total cost

Financed tuition loan

Apply for a loan today and save $150 on tuition

$5850 + interest
Total tuition amount (upfront deposit + loan amount)
Upfront deposit (paid at enrollment)
Loan amount (max)
Monthly payments during course (For 9 months interest payments only)
from $39 to $93
Monthly payments after course (for 33 months)
from $199 to $230
Estimated total cost after interest (excl. deposit)
from $6,921 to $8,431

*Range varies based on approved interest rate. You can borrow less, but need to pay the tuition difference upfront. Only available for U.S. residents.

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Study your materials, practice during lessons, and get instructor support in Q&A sessions. Your homework tasks focus on your case study, and you will have a co-working day

Сase Study Project 1: Solo



Get a task from a real company! Join a real-life internship to gain experience that will help you get hired. Work with an active business under the guidance of a Lead UX/UI Designer, get support and feedback

Сase study Project 2 - In Team

Our instructors



Your future resume

UX/UI designer


  • User research and user interviews
  • Design-centered problem solving
  • User flow analysis and hypothesis development
  • Prototyping in low, mid, and high fidelity
  • UX testing, data collection, and prototype optimization
  • Delivering developer-ready prototypes


  1. Program roadmap for an Edtech platform
  2. MVP for dating app with match on interests


Internship (UX/UI Design)

Helped build digital products for a tech company and a design agency

Land a job or get money back

Careerist is fully committed to your long-term professional success. We offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you don’t land a job in tech within one year of graduation. For complete terms and conditions, read here.

Refund eligibility requirements include
(but are not limited to):

  • Completing all training modules on time
  • Submitting all projects and assignments by their deadlines
  • Following our job search guidelines and instructions

Our track record

Careerist is your trustworthy career partner. You can find positive reviews of our programs on all major training review sites and in national media!



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Bonus: Figma course